What crypto wallets can I use with cocoNFT?

If you're wondering which crypto wallet to use - the best way is to try out one from our list below! Torus or signup with Facebook is definitely the easiest to get going, however, most crypto users choose MetaMask as their desktop hardware of choice. 

We currently support the follow Desktop/Mobile wallets:

MetaMask – A browser extension with peerless power and flexibility. MetaMask is web 3’s most popular wallet and one of the oldest players in the industry. 

Torus – A low friction wallet that allows you to login with Facebook, Google, and other OAuth providers.

If you own a hardware wallet, we support hardware wallets through a bridge via MetaMask and the wallet has to support signing EIP-712 typed data. Currently the only major hardware wallet brand that supports this is Ledger. So we do not support Trezor at this time.

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